Dropping Rain

Smiling as you say goodbye,

you said to me "be happy, as though nothing was wrong"

looking my back as I walked away

I prayed I wouldn't cry because of you

if I see the flowing tears

You can leave

I can let you go

because the rain was falling

it was really ok

I couldn't see my tears,

it was ok

it's all right

I couldn't hold you back

cause the rain that could wiped out all the painfull memories in my heart was falling down

time passed, I thought I could forget

it seemed as if nothing was alive

looking your back while you walk alone

even today the rain fall down

I tried to stop

my tears that were flowing

but it's not possible for you to make me smile

because the rain was falling

it was really ok

I couldn't see my tears

it was ok

it's allright

I couldn't hold you back

'cause the rain that could wiped out all the painful memories in my heart was falling down'

just go

just leave

I'll say this words to your heart

Because my heart was crying and the rain was falling

because my heart was crying

my tears falls down

because I loved you

I couldn't hold you back

I'll Embrace the sorrow in my clear and life

I thought I may become the rain

*OST Personal Taste dengan sedikit perubahan ^^

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